Scott Rohloff; Photographer
How do you capture the moment your child hits his first homerun, makes a great catch, or wins the race, when you are watching and cheering from the stands? Action photography tells the story of the game. I love capturing the great plays and the intensity and emotion of each athlete. I especially enjoy providing these great memories to the families I work with.

I am a freelance photographer based in North Eastern Wisconsin. I started my career as a hobby in 1995 shooting open wheel racing events. Over the years, I have expanded into a variety of motorsports, youth sports and studio photography.

My work is regularly published on and Still photos can be viewed at

In 2008, on of my youth sports photographs took 3rd place in Canon's "
Why I Love Football" contest.

Enjoy browsing my
portfolio and please contact me with questions or to schedule a shooting at your youth event.
Cheers! Scott Rohloff